A performance of the Barong folk story
Sat 7 Feb 2015
on hasbeen's travel map.
Welcome to BALI
Someone once told me they were gong to Bali & I surprised myself that I did not know it was in INDONESIA.
My reason for taking this particular cruise was because it had more stops in Indonesia than any of the others I looked at. Indonesia is a very pleasant surprise .. lots of variety, tourist friendly & very scenic.
A good show dockside .. but not as good as the one on todays tour.
A nice looking mountain in the distance
Is there any place that does not have a Mcdonald's?
Note that the statue is dressed .. many others are too .. ..
We arrive at the Barong show & the band are tuning up.
Incense looks very nice & smokey
Show is starting ..
The monkey is the star of the show . . . he sat in the edge of the stage checking his fur for bugs .. he found one & offered it to the little girl who decline so he popped it in his mouth.
He scared the bejesus out of the little girl when he jumped off the stage & sat down beside her .
The evil Queen ... I don't remember the story but you can Google Barong folk story if you are interested. There was a hand-out at the show that I followed along with & that was a help but not really necessary.
The musicians off to one side of the stage ..
The monkey climbed up into a tree & kept an eye on proceedings
HEY . I thought this was a family show ... Some bad men doing something bad to another man .. cutting off his manhood I think ..
A very colourful cast take their bow
This is a young TEAK plantation .. right beside the theatre entrance
We are in Bali so it must be temple visit time & the need to cover legs & shoulders .. even the statues
This couple from England are in Bali to get married or maybe just the honeymoon .. she let me photograph the Henna on her hands
Passing a street of wood carvers
Very good carvings but no room in my suitcase to take any home ..
The bus drove through an arch & let us off outside a very nondescript building but inside was a restaurant, where we were seated with these fabulous views ..
Inside view ..
Outside view ..
A stroll around this temple complex .. it stared raining so we did not linger too long.
More stuff not to buy .. note, Bob Marley is available
That was a great visit .. I like Bali ..